We couldn't create a new partition or locate an existing one

Windows 8 installation gets stuck at the disk and drive partition prompt with the message - We couldn't create a new partition or locate an existing one. For more information, see the Setup log files.

If I select an existing partition and select Next then it prompts - Windows can't be installed on this drive

Fix - Delete the old partitions (make sure your data has been backed up on other location)

Select partition - Delete - This partition might contain important files or applications from your computer manufacturer. If you delete this partition, any data stored on it will be lost.

OK. Any other option for me here? Only deleting the current partitions seems to take me further.

Just deleting an old System Partition - System Reserved of 128 MB and selecting Next also didn't work - Windows cannot be installed on this disk. The selected disk is of the GPT partition style. Incidentally Drive 0 was the old Hackintosh Lion installation disk.


Erasing all Drive 0 and other EFI partitions as well.

Drive 0 Unallocated Space 298.1 GB - all partitions removed from this disk. The secondary disk containing the data was kept intact.

Select Next to start the Windows Installation and the Copying Files dialogue will appear.

The new Windows 8 box logo during the installation process.

Getting devices ready.

The PC name and color personalization screen.

Express settings

You can customize the following settings or choose express settings. If you choose express settings, your PC will occasionally send info to Microsoft and will;

- Automatically install important and recommended updates.
- Help protect your PC from unsafe files and websites.
- Turn on Do Not Track in Internet Explorer.
- Help improve Microsoft software, services, and location services by sending us info.
- Check online for solutions to problems.
- Let apps give you personalized content based on your PC's location, name, and account picture.
- Turn on sharing and connect to devices on this Network.

It's your first time on this network. Do you want to turn on sharing between PC's and connect to devices on this network?

I select yes because I'm on my office network - Yes turn on sharing and connect to devices - For home or work networks


Help protect and update your PC - the Windows Automatic Update dialogue, Windows and IE SmartScreen Filter and Internet Explorer Do Not Track selection buttons.

Send Microsoft info to help make Windows and apps better

Are you on a limited Broadband bandwidth plan? Off - Next

Check online for solutions to problems.
Share info with apps.

Incidentally, the setup indicates the core integration of Microsoft App Store with the OS right from the installation steps.

Sign in to your PC

There are two options for signing in:

Microsoft Account - This option will let you log in using your @live or @hotmail account and core integration with SkyDrive will ensure all your important files or documents can be saved onto the cloud.

Local Account

I choose - Local Account

If you want a password, choose something that will be easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess. Yeah Right.

"if you want a password" - does this also let you create an account without a password - I'm not trying that. Better set a password right from the start.

Guide mode? Move your mouse into any corner

This was very brief and seems like an incomplete introduction wizard. They could have set a learning video with an option to Skip.

Finally. Metro is now the Windows 8 UI.

The new desktop will need take time to get used to but work speed on this UI will increase after getting some hands-on with upcoming touch devices and Surface Tablets.

This also seems like a good time to wait for the Samsung or LG - Windows 8 Certified Touch Monitors - then directly upgrade my 22" LCD to the touch monitor instead of going in for a new LED in the near future.

Check current Windows 8 price at Amazon - Windows 8
Learn more about Windows 8 Operating System - Windows 8

New Windows 8 installation with CD / DVD ROM in not working condition

Just download the Win8 Enterprise ISO from MSDN website - en_windows_8_enterprise_x64_dvd_917522.iso - to find out that the DVD ROM was misbehaving. Maybe because it has not been used since a while.

Fix - get the tool - Windows7-USB-DVD-tool.exe - directly from Microsoft website and this will create a bootable USB Disk for any OS installation. You will need a 4GB or greater USB disk drive.

Download the free utility from Microsoft Store website here -http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msstore/html/pbPage.Help_Win7_usbdvd_dwnTool

This utility has been tested with Win7 and Win8 .iso files but it should also work with Ubuntu or MAC if it's an .iso file.

Install and run the utility and you will be prompted for the .iso file 

Select .iso file and click Next to proceed

Choose your inserted USB disk - you will be prompted that the USB disk will be formatted and data erased (take any backup from USB disk if required before proceeding from this point)

After erasing USB disk and copying files from the .iso file, the USB disk will be ready for boot and you can select the USB disk as first boot device in BIOS to start the Windows 8 installation.

Setting a reminder for recurring Network Support tasks

The support ticket system of AdventNet ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus features a "Preventive Maintenance Tasks" section in the Admin area.

This section allows you to set reminders for your recurring maintenance and support tasks - much as the same which you would set using a Task Scheduler on your Windows machine or Microsoft Outlook, or your Android mobile phone.

The reminders can generally be set for the Technicians and Administrators for daily, weekly, monthly reminders for tasks such as - periodic backups, system updates, asset & inventory updates, etc.

At the scheduled time of task and event, the system will open a ticket for the task and auto assign to the designated Technician, remind via email or even forward a reminder on his mobile phone, if it is configured with the system.
